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Hello Everyone!

Ms Kay Marie

Ms Kay Marie

Many times when I am talking with someone, numbers are thrown around.  Usually, those numbers relate to size ~ or lack thereof.   Ah yes, it’s not just size queens that like to brag about their standards. All of you little dick guys out there, you do as well.  I think it’s kind of a form of do-it-yourself humiliation.  And it’s even better when you share it with me! So, since I aim to please, here you go.


What I am thinking

As many of you know, I am not a Mistress that typically gives out humiliation assignments, so if I am going to do it ~ it’s going to be fun! I’m not interested in your “number”. Nope, I want something much more ~ “personal”.  I want you to look around your home, your  office, wherever and gather things you use daily.  Now, don’t try to cheat and grab your travel mug. I’m talking about those personal, daily items that you always have on hand.  For example,  the key to that big expensive car or truck that screams “I’m compensating!”, or your credit card…you get the idea.


Why the change

Now you might wonder, why I would all of a sudden switch gears, and decided to give out an assignment. Let’s just say I got a kick out of the things I would hear some of you would use to measure your little dick against.  The short side of a dollar bill, the newest cell phone, and the wife’s vibrator (like that was necessary!) So I handed out a my first “to do list.” My personal favorite on that list, a standard post-it note. For some reason, I am suppose to be impressed that the measurement was taken on the diagonal – LMAO What really does impress me, is the thought that every time he reaches for that note pad ~ what is felt is the sweet sting of humiliation.


What you need to do

So, my little friends, your assignment, if you are up to it, is to measure your teeny tiny dick with one of your everyday items. Must be something that you use daily that I would have access to or can see (like a post-it note).  And then you must share! Oh, and if you are interested, peppermint patties are one of my favs.


Love & Hugs,

Ms Kay Marie