Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you all well and enjoying your weekend. I am sorry I am getting this posted a little later than I had planned. I have been having terrible weather and it has caused me some delays!! This is a post that I have been looking forward to doing. I love sharing tips and ideas. I know I am not going to get them all listed here today (there’s a lot to getting all girlie) but I think they will give you a couple things to think about. I have decided to write another post on shopping and a separate one with suggestions for my trans friends (only because I have found that I had a few!!) Now, don’t get me wrong, I am sure many trans will find these tips today and tomorrow just as useful. I would like to invite you to share any tips you have in the comments section.
Getting the Most Girlie Out of Your Time & Money
Even though I love to be spoiled and pamper myself on occasion, I am practical and very budget minded. Getting the biggest bang for my buck is almost competitive for me! But also, I find, that sometimes my MILF duties and my daily life make it difficult to pamper myself as much as I want and deserve. So I have found that doing some of these girlie things at home isn’t just inexpensive ~ it’s convenient! And if you are a secret sissy, simply are not comfortable in a public setting, maybe living on a budget or are just crazy busy, you will not have any excuses for not taking a little time to treat yourself like a princess.
Getting Girlie at Home With Scrubs and a Pedi
We have all heard of at home spa treatments and beauty rituals. Now maybe you are not crazy about eggs & beer in your hair (I prefer them for breakfast myself) or cucumbers on your eyes, but don’t discount all do it yourself home treatments. My sexy friend Ms Tabetha mentioned that she loves using brown sugar as a scrub. She’s right, many lines offer their own “sugar scrub” and charge over $50/jar for it. I myself use brown sugar (about a heaping teaspoon) and a little honey (just about 1/4 teaspoon) as a scrub on my face everyday. I love it! I’ve used it for years. Not only does it exfoliate but it moisturizes too. There are times I take a larger amount in with me to the shower and do a full body scrub ~ especially before I get waxed. Scrub your face for a good thirty seconds and rinse well. You will be left with clean skin that feels soft and amazing. Although the scent is sweet, it is nothing that would be noticeable to others ~ at least not negatively.
My personal favorite form of pampering is a pedi. It is the one thing that I do for myself regularly. Even when my budget was the leanest I would treat myself at home! It is also one of the things that many desire and yet are afraid to go and do. If there is something about sitting in that chair prominently in front of everyone that gives you stage fright or you just can’t be seen doing something like that ~ even under the guise of being “metro sexual” ~ it’s ok! You can still have pretty feet. (even if you can’t have your toes painted) Everyone, even the manliest of men, get ingrown toenails, hang nails and dry cracked feet. So, purchasing items such as clippers, a file, and a pumice stone will not raise anyone’s eyebrows. Ingredients for at home foot soaks and pedis are just as basic ~ I am sure you have most if not all in your pantry or cupboard. A short period of alone time and you can indulge. And honestly, even if someone was to walk in, all you are doing is trimming your nails and trying to treat that dryness hoping to avoid a trip to the pediatrist, right?? (wink)
I am compiling a few of my favorite at home spa treatments and and will post them on my blog under under a new tab “Getting Your Girl On Tips” ~ look for it soon. My next post, which I hope to have up sometime tomorrow (weather permitting ~ seriously it’s just crazy here) is going to be some of my favorite shopping tips for those on a budget, undercover, new to getting their girl on or all of the above! My biggest tip ~ NEVER PURGE ~ it’s a waste of money and will just hurt more in the end. But we will talk about that another time. And don’t forget, I will be posting some tips and suggestions for my trans friends shortly. Some I have picked up from the recent media conversations, some from talking with trans I have known over the years and even some that have been graciously shared with me by friends I haven’t yet met. Make sure you check back.
Until next time!
Ms Kay Marie
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Ooooh, this is going to be great! I can’t wait to see what some of your beauty rituals and pampering recipes are going to be 🙂 In fact, I think it would be fun to link to each other’s blog posts since we’re both exploring some of the great ways to get girly and spoil yourself rotten, regardless of whether you’re a Mistress or a sissy, trans or femme.
Thank you Mistress Kay Marie for your wonderful tips. The hormones aid my body in the changes in my physical appearance. The little things like makeup, pedi and mani help make you feel more feminine. I love feeling sexy and turning men’s head. I am fortunate enough to have found a trans friendly salon. I agree every woman should pamper herself sometime.
Great Ms Kay Marie, I love this. My eyes perked right up when you mentioned brown sugar scrub ala Ms Tabetha. I make my own as well with organic brown sugar from Trader Joe’s, sweet almond oil and peppermint essential oil. Sometimes I will add eucalyptus essential oil, and maybe a bit of rosemary. This is best used in the morning for a wake up scrub. Evening scrubs are nice with ylang ylang essential oil. Super sensuous!
Ms Lilly ~ I love spoiling myself. You are so right. Everyone should show treat themselves as though they are a princess.
Rikki ~ I am so happy you have a salon that you feel so comfortable in. Everyone ~ and I mean EVERYONE should have that!
Ms Cassandra ~ Oh I have to get that recipe from you! I just got a Trader Joe’s not far from me! It sounds heavenly!