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Ms Kay Marie

Ms Kay Marie

Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you all well and that you have had a great week. My weather has been really nice and although I am as busy as always I have been trying to get outside as much as possible. The one thing I have been doing is moving part of my workout to the park. My park has a great trail with fitness zones. While I was there,  I kept passing by a runner going in the opposite direction ~ nice looking guy. The first time it was just a half smile and a “hey” then second was full smile. By the third time, I was actually looking forward to seeing him. As he approached, I locked eyes. It dawned on me, I was flirting with the runner.

A few times over the last couple of months, my friend Katie has asked me to do a post on flirting. I have sat down to do it on more than one occasion only to find that I am stumped. I am a flirt. Not just some hot cocktease MILF, but a flirt. It’s a part of my personality. But how do you describe it? How do you tell someone how to flirt? You don’t really. But you know me, I am going to try!

What is Flirting?

By most accounts, flirting is described as acting as though you are attracted to someone or in such a way as to attract someone. Usually in such a way that is both overly friendly and sexual. Flirting is innocent seduction. Flirting is fun and playful ~ mostly not to be taken seriously. (yes I know innocent flirting can be taken the wrong way or can be a problem in the workplace but today we are talking about fun! )

How Do You Flirt?

So how do you tell someone how to flirt? There are always articles with “tips” and “how to’s”. To me, flirting is being yourself and letting someone see a fun, friendly, playful and sensual side of you. You need to smile. You need to be friendly. Yes, there is a sexual tone to it. It’s clear you are interested/attracted to the other person. Flirting also shows that you are attractive and interesting as well. You need to put yourself out there a bit. Not in the, “I’m on the prowl for cock tonight” way. Take it down a notch ~ a little more innocent.  Say hi. Make eye contact. Compliment someone. It show you notice them. Make it something personal ~ eyes, smile, voice, how clothing looks on them ~ not just the clothing.  For example, if I’m talking to someone about working out and they say they did “chest and tris that day, I might reply, “I’m a chest gal” or “I love arms” and smile. See?  I’m also known to bite my lip, play with my hair, playful nipple on my nail and wrinkle my toes according to one friend – lol.

I don’t think there is any flirting manual or “how to guide”, but I am sure you will find your own way. I had read that flirting is a language. Well, there are many languages, different accents and they take time to learn. As we head into the weekend, get out there and practice. Start slow. Smile at the hot runner on the track, so to speak. Let someone see that side of you. Even if it doesn’t lead anywhere ~ flirting is fun!

Until next time!
Ms Kay Marie