by KayMarie | Mar 27, 2015 | crossdresser, fetish phone sex, lingerie, makeup, phone sex, phone sex mistress, sissy, Uncategorized
Hi Everyone and Happy Friday!! Hope you all have some fun planned for the weekend. I actually have a pretty busy weekend ahead of me. However, since I had to take yesterday off for some errands and appointments I thought I would make the most of it and squeeze in...
by KayMarie | Mar 3, 2015 | crossdresser, fetish phone sex, foot and leg fetish, lingerie, makeup, phone sex, phone sex mistress, sissy, Uncategorized
Hi Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and your week is off to a good start. For those of you in this part of the country ~ I hope that you have dug yourselves out from our latest snow! While I spent the better part of the weekend inside, I did...
by KayMarie | Feb 25, 2015 | crossdresser, fetish phone sex, makeup, phone sex mistress, sissy, Uncategorized
Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you all having a great week. Last night I was catching up with my friend Katie. (the same Katie I mentioned in my loungewear blog) She asked me for some help with makeup. As you know, makeup is not my most favorite of girlie things....
by KayMarie | Feb 23, 2015 | crossdresser, lingerie, makeup, phone sex, phone sex mistress, sissy
Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well and relaxed from the weekend and your week off to a good start. As I recently mentioned, I have been home a little more than usual lately. This has had me thinking about loungewear. Not pajamas, but those things you put on when...
by KayMarie | Jan 30, 2015 | foot and leg fetish, lingerie, makeup, phone sex, phone sex mistress, sissy, stocking fetish tease
Hi Everyone ~ hope this finds you well. Lately I have had several conversations with a few of my friends that are more, shall we say, undercover crossdressers and sissies. They are individuals with one identity in their daily lives and another in their hearts....